Landing page responsiveness

I created my first extremely simple landing page in Webflow: which seems to look okay on different devices when I check it in the WF designer, but looks really bad on an iphone 7 plus and Galaxy 7 both vertically and horizontally. I’d appreciate any and all suggestions on how I can improve it! Thanks!

Please share your read-only link to the project.

Limit your use of 100 VH on mobile.


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Thank you for the tip and for the recording! Much appreciated!

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@webdev and @dram - If I make changes on a site that is already connected to a custom domain, do I need to republish it afterwards to see the changes or do they show automatically?

Changes are only shown on published destinations when you re-publish to that destination.

I understand, thank you!

Your welcome. I marked this topic as solved. Have a great day.

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