Landing Images Takes a While to Load


For some reason, it takes a while for the landing image on my page to load promptly. A grey gradient appears initially and then the main picture appears once its completed loaded.

Is there a way to avoid this loading time? Could some please help me out with this?

Here is my share link


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

It loads fine for me. I don’t see any grey gradient. Can you do a screen video recording of the problem?

Hi SAM, I’m unable to upload the video file unfortunately. Could I email it to you?

You can upload it to somewhere on the Internet. Try YouTube.

I do not provide free email support.

Hi @lighthouse, thanks for posting. It sounds like maybe there is an image used that is taking a moment to load, and the underlying grey is showing.

Thanks for sharing the read-only link. It will help if you could publish the site in Webflow, and then share that published site link, to see the behavior on the published site.

Thanks in advance!

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