Keep the button on top (the dropdown menu cover it)

Hi everyone! I’m building a full screen menu that appears only when clicking on the menu button on the top corner. You can see how I built my menu in the img(1).

What’s my problem?

The first problem that I’ve noticed is that the menu it’s not working when opening the read-only link, I don’t know why. In my laptop it’s working perfectly but in the link, when clicking on the menu button nothing happen.

The main problem is that the dropdown menu that will appear on the page has a background and It covers/hide the menu button at the top. I’d like that menu button to be always at the top and not be covered by the actual menu (a dropdown one).

Here you can see what happen when I click on the menu button. The third image show how it should look like (the menu buttons will appear at the top corner even when the menu it’s open) Hope everything it’s clear!

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK][1]