Hello !
I’m facing an issue with my domain : https://pathline.fr
The www domain works well but the other needs apparently recordings, that I already added in the DNS configuration, but it still doesn’t detect it, even after several days :
Thanks a lot @memetican
It was IPs I had to add to make a connexion between our domain and Hubspot, I could not add the last one by the way which was the same than one linked directly to webflow.
I’ll check with them how I can have both activated, do you have an idea on your side ?
If you were hosting your site on Hubspot, you’d want only their IP’s, and if on Webflow you’d only want Webflow’s IP’s.
What you’ve setup essentially makes it so that when someone visits your site, they will -either- get your Webflow or Hubspot, kind of randomly.
You’d have to think about how you’re actually wanting to setup Hubspot here, e.g. is it just a verification task ( usually a TXT record ), or are you trying to put something on a subdomain like crm.mysite.com- I’m pretty certain the docs will give you a range of config scenarios.
But setting both Webflow and Hubspot as your main site configuration will conflict.