Issue with linking - Link Block to CMS Section

Hello, I just started with Webflow, and I am preparing a very generic website for my portfolio. I am facing two issues w.r.t the projects.

Issue 1:
Unable to link - Link Block to CMS Section.
I have seen and tried various forums but I am unable to find a solution to link it directly. I can’t find the link to connect to the CMS link.

Issue 2:
Unable to Grid Projects properly - 3 in a single row
I tried to put CMS it into a grid column and now here I can see the link to CMS option. But I am not able to design it the same way as in issue 1 (grid of 3 projects in a row). As the image and text size for my projects are different.

Project link below:

Thanks in Advance

Hey @Keshav_Dewan !

It looks like you just need to put your projects in a collection list :slight_smile:

Here’s a quick video I made showing how you could go about it and get the 3-column grid you’re looking for: CleanShot 2022-07-28 at 09.17.04 · CleanShot Cloud