Is webflow gonna fix the intial state bug?

I was wondering is webflow gonna fix the initial state bug in the interactions sometime in the future?

why is it a problem for so long, everytime someone load my site for there the first time there some glitch with animation.

Oh! Is it a bug? I was literally about to make a post asking how to fix the way my whole dropdown menu appears for a split second every time a page loads on my website.

@Petra check your interactions, I’d guess you’re causing the dropdown to e.g. display: block or something just before the dropdown’s own scripts execute.

Thanks for the suggestion @memetican – I’m looking at the interactions now.

I have the height set to 0px as the initial state.

I’ve just tried changing the height to 0px in the style settings of the class “Dropdown Content” but that breaks the interaction – it won’t appear on mouse hover anymore. Same with setting it to display: none.

(Here’s a read only link if you want to have a look)

I don’t use interactions much, but the main thing for you to understand is that there are at least three things at play on your dropdown at present-

  • The dropdown itself, its default styles and the webflow.js script
  • Your CSS styles that you apply on top of that
  • Your interactions, that you also apply

It’s easy for these to compete. You can spend some time in chrove dev tools to identify the specific point of competition, but it’s a lot of work.

The easier way is just to peel back the layers until you identify where your problem is.