Is there a way to make this text animation in Webflow?

Hello! Is it possible to make the text animations that are on this site in Webflow?

Hi @Sophia-O-Neal,
Yes, this was created with a 3rd party plugin called three.js and it can be implemented in Webflow with some custom code.

Thanks @avivtech!
is there any way to create the bouncing version (they updated the site in the last 24hrs) using interactions in Webflow? I don’t know how to code.

this is the Wayback machine version of the homepage that i’d like to copy.

The wayback link doesn’t work :frowning:


let’s try this again:

@avivtech also if you put in “” into the search bar on Wayback and hit the September capture you will see it.

Sorry, I don’t see it.
You can capture it and upload a video here.

Yes, the animation is possible to make in Webflow. It would take a combination of perspective transforms and opacity changes to make work. I don’t know how I would do it off the top of my head, but definitely possible.

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Was able to do a screen recording! Please tell me if this works, and thank you so much!
Animal Text Animation

And here’s my site Read Only link. the stacked text is what i want animated.

@avivtech @Steven_Stavrakis here is another example of a similar animation on the homepage of Campfire & Co.

@Sophia-O-Neal, yeap! you can do this kind of animations with webflow quiet easily :slight_smile:
Here are 2 examples:

@avivtech Oh my goodness thank you so much!!!

Hi @avivtech!
I replicated yours in my project, but I’m not getting it to rotate. Any ideas why?

Read-only link

this is the section in question (I have quite a few on various levels of hidden)

You’ve hidden the hole section with the interaction

oh shoot, it’s unhidden now.