Is there a reason why Webflow adds an s to the end of all collection names?

Hello. Is there a reason why Webflow adds an s to the end of all collection names? I understand that it’s the title for a group of items, but as it’s just a backend CMS thing, wondering if there’s a technical reason for it. A client has queried it and would prefer that the s was not there.


It’s a plural and singular version of the collection name.
It’s used in the url’s but also is used in the cms itself to name certain things like: “add … item”.
This would be without the s because it’s a single item that you are adding.

Hope this helps!

Yes, I get it. But see the attached; the client is a school and they don’t like seeing things like ‘International Staffs’ as the title in the Editor. Think it’s like fingers scratching on a chalk board to them :wink:

Webflow gives you the ability to modify both the singular and plural version of the collection name for cases just like this:


Just click the small pencil icon and you can change it to whatever you’d like! :v:

Normally it’s not a problem, like in my case where the additional “s” is the appropriate plural of “test”, but for specific cases (like yours) they give you the ability to modify as needed.

Hey thanks Mike! I hadn’t noticed that before. Exactly what I need.
