Is it possible to build a Web App with webflow?

I also want to build a web app with Webflow (using Meteor, if that matters).

A few problems:

  1. I haven’t seen any tutorials on building web apps. They’re all focused on building static pages.

  2. The elements are focused on building web pages, and typical app widgets are missing. See MaterializeCSS or Ionic for mobile.

  3. I haven’t seen much guidance on integrating simple templating like Handlebars. You can set the text of an element to

     {{#each list}}
       {{> item}}

    but the export will escape any special characters because it rightfully thinks of them as HTML text:

     {{#each list}}
       <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;{{&gt; item}}

    I’ve also tried adding that code as an HTML embed but the result was collapsed on one line and the > was still escaped:

    (this strikes me as a bug)

Maybe Webflow can be used to get started with a layout for a web app, or to build pieces in a WYSIWYG way and export them (them manage the code manually) but I don’t think it’s designed for iterating through a realistic development cycle (“Try to keep the Weblow exported files untouched”).

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