Is it possible to adjust lazy-load threshold?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to adjust how far offscreen images lazy-load. I have a custom made slider, and I’d like to load the next image while it is still offscreen. Thanks!

Not an expert, but I’d also like to know if anyone has found a simple solution for this, but it looks like this may be a good start, if you take a look at the ‘threshold’ attribute in this jQuery library:

Webflow implemented browser based lazy loading using the loading attribute. Really the only way since they don’t support the data-src attribute for images needed for all javascript based external lazy loading libraries. You can’t control the threshold since that is controlled by the browser maker. Webflow does support choosing the eager or lazy attribute. You can read about that here → : The Image Embed element - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN ( You can also write custom code that leverages the intersection observer API to do stuff as well.