Interactions working on published desktop site, but not working on mobile

Hi guys,

I’ve created an interaction where my logo changes colour as it moves through different sections.
This works perfectly fine on both desktop & mobile in designer preview but when I publish the site it only works on desktop and stops working on the mobile site.

Can anyone help please?

Read-Only link:

Published site:

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Hi Nicole,

Did you manage to solve this? I’m encountering similar issue that everything is functioning perfectly on desktop, but then the interaction / JavaScript logic stops working on mobile?

Really appreciate any reply! Thank you.



Unfortunately I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working, I just had to change the design in the end.
Sorry I can’t be of more help! I hope you manage to fix it.


Thanks Nicole for the reply. Bummer that there didn’t seem to be a fix. I haven’t gotten it to work either. It’s bizarre that everything is perfect on desktop, but then it’s not working on mobile.

Glad to hear you found a workaround!