Interaction not loading in initial state

Hi there,

Bit new to Webflow and struggling with getting interactions to work as needed. I have a contact form that is supposed to slide down into view on pressing the ‘Contact Us’ link in the navbar. You can hide it by clicking ‘Contact’ again.

Unfortunately on loading a page for the first time (this form is used across the whole site, as it’s nested in a symbol), the form loads in, but not in it’s initial state and locked in place. After reloading the page it (most of the time) fixes itself, but I need it to be in the correct position on the first load.

I’ve looked for legacy interactions to remove, tried setting the hide animation to trigger on page load, nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

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Hello @Rawnwyte

I made a simple video of the issue.

It’s just a matter of changing the target of the interaction, instead of the class the element. :wink:

Hi @aaronocampo,

Thanks for your reply, however could you check if when you navigate to any other page the problem remains. I’d only changed the target to class as I was looking for fixes in desperation, and switching it back it doesn’t seem to have fixed the problem.

I think this one is easier to achieve using legacy interactions, check this out:

I hope this helps.

Hi @aaronocampo ,

I had to bodge around it a bit as there was a bit of a flicker of the form as each page loaded, but I think it’ll do:

Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

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