Interaction doesn't work - onClick


i have onClick interaction on " job-h5-hover " this is the job title -
actually it needs to show " div-FAQ-q " but it doesn’t work for me :frowning:

any suggestions?


Here is my public share link:

Hello Eyed,

the problem you are experiencing is due to how you set up the Interaction and layout of blocks that need to become visible. Interaction is set up to work only on child of element that is the trigger for the animation and since at your instance you are triggering animation through heading you can not nest block inside of it. You need to change interaction to show only siblings instead of only children.

( You can do that here)

Since you are also triggering your interaction through " Div Block 25" after adjusting interaction from children to siblings ( both open and close animation) it will work.
I advise you to remove interaction from heading and leave it only on Div Block 25 so you don’t need to do any updates to the layout.

Webflow Experts at Flow Ninja Support Team.

how i do this ? :frowning: i cant find that option

i got it! thx!!!

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