Inject or split CMS item richtext content on template page

I have a template page a cms item ‘blog post’ and need to inject into or break up the rich-text div to add customs CTA banners, email signups, etc.

I’ve seen finsweets js solution however that wont work or my situation as I need to style the richtext area differently. i.e. the banners need to be full width, and the post content not.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You could format the rich text element as e.g. 60vw and still have your FS Powerful Rich Text-injected banners be 90vw as long as you allow overflow on the rich text element.

If you really need to chunk up the rich text, the alternative would be to write some form of chunking algorithm instead. Place your banners, drop a DIVs between them, and then programmatically feed your rich text into the DIVs between the banners in chunks.

You could base that on word count, paragraph count, some % of the total text, or put delims like --- in your rich text content to indicate where chunking should occur.

Thanks for the suggestion. Was hoping to not have to not have a write a bunch of js. Probably wont be recommending webflow for any kind of blog in the future. Seems like the highest ROI use-case is just a sales landing page.

It has it’s limits, but for the image you’ve added to your original post, this is easily done with Embed fields or Finsweet’s powerful rich text.