Indexing but no meta description on Google Search

I set up my partner’s website sometime ago and recently noticed that the Google search result is coming up however it isn’t displaying any of the page title or meta description for the page. I am quite confused and probably a bit out of my depth to work out what has caused this. I have tried getting Google Search to validate but just keeps failing two pages but then says two pages are validated… help please!

Current Webflow setting:

Search console results:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Jaimi-Lee, the Mount is a great place for boating.
I drink far too much coffee when I’m there though.

So your site isn’t being indexed because your robots.txt has prohibited Google from indexing it;

User-agent: *
Disallow: /


You want to remove that Disallow: / part and replace it with either;

Disallow: ( no slash )


Allow: / ( which Google recognizes )

Some more notes on my site here;

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