Image uploaded upside down in rich text block

Hi there,

I’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I uploaded image to the rich text block, it appears upside down! Here is the share linked to the project Webflow - Jason Chen's Portfolio

Here is a screenshot to help illustrating the problem:

I use Chrome 60.0.

If it is not a bug, is there a setting that I need to adjust? Note that the original image was in the correct positioning.


Hi @Jason_Runyuan_Chen

This isn’t a Webflow bug. It’s a know issue with iPhone images.

This image was taken by an iPhone device: Image 2017-09-22 at 1.15.29 PM

Unfortunately, the iPhone camera hardware cannot save the image directly in rotated form. So rather than rotating the entire image, the camera software just adds a data file to the image noting which orientation the image should be in. It adds this information to the Exif data that all photos have.

So, when you open that photo with an application that reads the Exif data, the image is rotated while it’s not in other applications that don’t read the data.

So basically, this image is saved in its original, unrotated form, but the Exif data is making it show in the rotated actual position.

To fix this issue, you can open the image with an image editor tool such as Photoshop and save it again in the right orientation. Make sure to make it smaller in size also as this image is too large for the web. It’s recommended that you use images ~200-300kb or smaller, and background images can be 1080px or 1920px wide to make sure they run smoothly on your site.

​Hope this is helpful.


Thank you!!! I will try this immediately! :smiley:

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