Icon Image Insertion

How would I insert my own Icon images ? I’m noticing on other websites it’s newly introduced Icon images. Is there a way in which you can insert your own icon images

Here is my public share link: [LINK][1]
([how to access public share link][2])

[1]: http://
[2]: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

What do you mean?? You already have icons in your assets?

Sorry I’m a bit new to this. Where is my assets ?

Oh… in the Designer… on the left side panel its the 4th icon with ‘2 polaroid like’ graphics… open that… on top right notice “Upload”

Hi @Nicholasbee1, take a peek at how to use the Asset Manager: Assets panel | Webflow University

I hope this helps!

Yep @cyberdave good addition, sorry I should’ve added that link :slight_smile:

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Hi @garymichael1313, no problem, there has a been a lot of new articles added lately and more coming… I really appreciate the help and keep being great :slight_smile:

you Guys are the best !

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