I saw a website, where when you used the nav-bar, instead of loading you into a new page, it just showed up on seamlessly on the hero section. it was a very smooth experience and i want to recreate it. so the question is how to i make it, since i have tried to just link up the button to the other page, but that doesnt make it a semeless experience.
What you’re referring to is known as a single-page application SPA, where your entire site is in one page and you navigate by hiding and showing different parts with script.
It’s generally suitable for smaller sites only, unless you do a lot of dynamic pre-fetching.
Webflow doesn’t have any built-in SPA capabilities, but there are some frameworks you could use. You could do your page designs in Webflow, then export them and integrate them into an SPA framework.
Alternatively for a very small site, you could build something natively just using one page and a lot of interactions in the designer.
SPA’s aren’t that popular because with a single page, SEO goals are more difficult/complex to achieve.