I need some Reference Field sorcery

Hey everyone

I have two collections:

  • Entities (which I have made a Collection Page for)
  • Documents (which are always “assigned” to an Entity via a reference field in the Documents submission form)

I’m trying to get the Entity Collection page to show a list of all of that entity’s related Documents.

I figured out that I can have a multi-reference field in the Entity form and get them to show that way, but then I have to manually upload a Document, then go to the Entity form and add the Document in the multi-reference field which defeats the point. I figured it should be able to work based on the fact that I selected the Entity as part of the Document submission form.

Is there a way to make this happen? Also, it might complicate things to know that each Entity could have hundreds/thousands of related documents.

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/evans-initial-project-6688d4?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=evans-initial-project-6688d4&preview=1e1411515333faa7bed2e57e4f147756&pageId=5ffa60765e7fe0d57b1791f8&itemId=5ffa650f86cf7b083d98533f&mode=preview
(how to access public share link)