How to switch Lato or Open Sans to custom fonts?

It seems it is not possible to remove fonts like Lato or Open Sans, if in use for a project. This is a massive problem for GDPR compliance. I tried to replace them with uploaded custom Lato and Open Sans fonts, but this is not stopping the use of the Google connection.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi, if someone will see this post, this is solved.

I found a workaround, by loading custom fonts and renaming them to e. g. “Lato cc”, what is different to the integrated font name. Changing the body tag to this font catched all my other classes, as they are all inheriting the main font definition in my case. Now I don’t have any connection to Google fonts server, anymore.

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Hi pupinko,

could you post also a short description what you did? I don’t know what the body tag should look like to replace Lato with “Lato cc”. Shall I also add the body tag to each page manually or does it make more sense to insert it in Footer code of Webflow?

All the best,