How to stop changes in mobile affecting tablet & desktop

Hi folks,
I haven’t found a response to this that I can follow! Please help

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi Paula,

Can you attach a screenshot of your breakpoints? Everything works from the basebreakpoint (seen with a *) down to the smaller devices.

Kind regards,
Edwin Emmen

Hi Edwin,
Can you screenshot exactly what I need to screenshot. Thanks so much

Hi Paula,

This bar:

Kind regards,
Edwin Emmen

Hi Edwin,
Thanks. I hope this makes sense

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Hi Paula,

When you add for example paddings in this basebreakpoint (with the *) it will work down to the smaller breakpoints.

First you create your website in the basebreakpoint* after that you work down, one breakpoint at a time, till you reach your smallest breakpoint.

This means that when you add padding-left to your text block or menu items, you should set them to 0px in the smaller breakpoints.

Hope this makes sense and moves you in the right direction.

Kind regards,
Edwin Emmen

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Hi Edwin,
Yes. I get this but if I edit in the mobile screen, for example…it is changing backwards up to tablet and desktop. This is my issue. I don’t know how to stop this happening/

Hope you can help!
Best regards,

Hi Paula,

Do you have a preview URL for me? When I click the Read only LINK nothing happens.

Then I can take a look.

Thanks, Edwin. Hope this works Webflow - Paula Nolan Design

Hi Paula,

Thank you for the URL.

Your breakpoints are set correct.

It’s a mix a classname issues and grid settings. For example your menu in the footer doesn’t all have the same classname:

The list items should have li-few-swept and the anchor (a) inside it should have a-golden-sugar, after that you can set all the correct styling

The correct grid setting for example your Career to Date block should have one column on mobile, make sure you use unique class names, because “.wrap .50-80”, is probally also applied to other elements, this is causing the frustation that when you change something, some other element also changes.

Advice is to add unique classname to your blocks: “career-to-date”, “footer-menu”

I think that will solve your problems.

Kind regards,
Edwin Emmen

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Hi Edwin,
Thanks so much! Makes sense! I really appreciate your help.
Best regards

Hi Paula,


Here you can see the correct grid setting:

Kind regards, Edwin

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