How to put an image in the foreground?


I want to do a special design for a friend’s website.

Here is a picture of the project:

I would like the trees on the side to always be in the foreground at all times, and I don’t know how to do it.

Anyone know how to do it?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @Dado,

You can change the position to relative and set the z-index to ‘999’.

Hope that helps.

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Thanks for your answer !

But the image is always set under my body block :frowning:

Hi @Dado, it looks like your tree image is still set to “sticky” and not “relative,” as Damien has suggested. It will be easier if you can provide a read-only link to your project to help you troubleshoot.

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Hello @SoCal-Marcel !

I’ve tried to set it to relative, and this is not working.

This is the read only link : Webflow - Wolf Lake

Up !

If someone have an idea, it’ll be great.

Hey @Dado I had a look at your file. Unfortunately I’m a bit swamped but I did notice it’s missing basic elements to hold your content. You have images and text boxes on the page that are not contained.At a minimum you need to understand the use of Sections, Containers and Div’s. I would strongly suggest you work through the tutorials in Webflow University.