How to make intercation affect all cards with same classes

Hello. I have done some cards and animation to enlarge images.
I have a wrapper for 2 images with different size and interaction hides one, unhides another, then while moving mouse over the element it moves.
Making animation trigger - images wrapper, and say - affect class.
Then animation to images and say - affect class and children.

In all cards with class “itm-wrapper” i see that this interaction appeared there, but it doesn’t work. It works only for first card.

If i add interaction to all cards manually it works… but i have 98 cards. I want to add interaction only to one and it should affect them all…

What am I doing wrong? why other cards dont enlarge when I hover on them?

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Hi @Johnny_B there can be a some WF glitch not updating as even that animation is assigned to other elements with class there is no flash icon :zap: next to each one . I have deleted animation on each and assigned again to firs one. The flash symbol was added to each element and animations worked as expected.


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