How to make color behind First letter in text?

Hello there!
I need to make a little color behind first letter in text. How can I make it?
colored text

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Hey @Joanna24

Please share your read-only link

Piter :webflow_heart:

Here You are!

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@Joanna24 >

Piter :webflow_heart:

Thank U a lot!! It is so easy!

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Happy to help :webflow_heart:

Feel free to reach out if you need more help with something.

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I think more accurate would be pseudo element custom code:
.blue-heading::first-letter { background-color: #f36e31; }
It properly maps the letter background no matter the font-size. You can define component class with any name and just add that class to element(s).

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Actually, I already have one more question about photos in flexbox. I have a DIV in which I have 4 photos. And it’s flexbox. So in mobile landscape it’s not going to be in responsive size.
here’s the link.
Hope you’ll help me one more time, that would very useful and nice!
Thank You!

Good way to do it 100% :webflow_heart: