How to make checkout more flexible?

Hello guys,

I already posted similar questions on forum few months ago. Unfortunately, the only answer I got was from a foxycart prospector. But i would like to solve my problem without leaving webflow backoffice. Foxycart is actually powerful with custom code but i don’t like the way cart is bring to my website and i’m not good at pure coding… Design is not easy-customizable like it’s possible with webflow tools. Furthermore, I’m not paid a lot for this work so i can’t hire a dev to do it…

It’s important to know that my client is a pizzeria, he’s not selling T-Shirt (for example) where webflow ecommerce is already ready and powerful. This point comes with 2 issues :

1 - I need to close and open the checkout according to time, because the restaurant is open only after 6pm. We don’t want to receive order before that time or after midnight for exemple.
2 - Is it possible to confirm checkout without payment from customer ? I would like to let people pay in cash when delivery man comes.

Thanks for your help,