How to have different color text in the same word?

I want to have the first 2 letters of a heading to be a different color from the rest of the word.

It won’t work in the elements Paragraph, Text, or Rich Text. At least I can’t get it to work.

Any help?

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Highlight the letters you want to change colour
Then click the paintbrush to create a text span
Then click the text span and then go to styling and choose your colour



Man, that was a challenge to get all that to work, but it did work. Thank you!

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in word having multiple color where u select any color on any text. any paragraph u take color if u want

You’re welcome, anything else let me know :slight_smile:

@Nathan.a When I try to do this in a rich text editor there is no paintbrush option am I doing something wrong? I have tried removing all styles from the rich text block but that didn’t work.

I tried the same step but it seemed to push the selected text down below the baseline of the other text on the same line. What happened, how do I fix that.

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Same happened to me, did you find the solution to this?