How to get a Vimeo video to loop (loop=1& not working)

Hi there— I have a Vimeo video embedded on my site (through a Pro account). Even though this is the URL I have pasted into my Video Settings in Webflow, the video won’t loop:

At the end of video, Vimeo’s “more from [author]” screen pops up. All my other videos are private, so this is what pops up:

Here’s my Read Only link to my Webflow site:

Any advice is MUCH appreciated. Thank you thank you.

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Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same issue.

Hey Everyone,

I came across this topic in my search for a solution, and figured some other people struggling for an answer might also. I found a solution, so I came back here to post it for all of you future searchers; good luck!!!

<div style="padding:52.73% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src=";autoplay=1&amp;loop=1;player_id=0&amp;app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="pack backpack.mp4"></iframe></div><script src=""></script>

Replace “1234567890” with your videos ID, this will make your video loop :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,

Is it possible to add videos this way via CMS?

You would need to create a rich text field and then embed your code inside of it. Then place the field on your template.

This took me forever to figure out. On your Vimeo side, click on ‘Interactivity’ and then ‘End Screen’. Select ‘Loop’. The default is ‘more videos’. Done! Mine embedded Vimeo video finally started looping in Webflow.