How to embed twitter timeline on webflow?

Yes (By embed html code)

On webflow you only do copy-paste.

How to - Wizard - option 1 (The other way is by twitter api):

twitter side

1/8. Go to:

2/8. Select embedded timeline

3/8. Paste a URL

4/8. Twitter will generate for you a code. Copy this code (With/without customization).

5/8. Most of the times you need to set height (click on customization). Example: data-height="300" (300px height & y-scrollbar) -
**(Do not set height and overflow: scroll; by webflow CSS - twitter already handle this).

webflow side

6/8. Add Embed block

7/8. Paste the code from step 4. Save

<a class="twitter-timeline" href="">National Park Tweets - Curated tweets by TwitterDev</a> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

8/8. Publish the site and test your live URL.

Done :slight_smile:

More options/widgets her:

twitter developer docs
