How to delete all form submissions for a specific form - In editor mode?

Hello dear all,

I have a simple question:
can an editor delete forms the same way I can delete forms (being an admin) ?
It seems to me there is no such “delete” button when in editor mode.

Is it possible or not ? (only in admin mode?)

Would appreciate your feedback !

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Under setting you only delete submission.
If you want to remove a form element (From site-tree) - use the designer.

Hi @Siton_Systems
Thank you for getting back to me !
All right so the only way to delete submission is via the setting, not via the editor ?

I came to this conclusion last week, but I hope it isn’t the case. Clients should be in charge of that

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Hi @HammerOz
Yes, I couldn’t agree more !
Not sure why this isn’t the case yet (?)

I will open a wish ticket :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing your conclusion !

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hello @anthonysalamin ,
I’m looking for your wish ticket, to vote for.
can you show me the link ?

I didn’t find any wish ticket, to I created one :pray:

for all those in my case (spending hours managing forms submissions for clients…) !


Originally How to delete a form - In editor mode?, which was misleading, as the author didn’t want to delete the form itself, but rather all submissions collected by a form.