How to add Webflow project as a subfolder

Looking at this and getting a little lost: Href prefix | Webflow University

I am working on a large project using Webflow, combining country-specific domains into one mega site using subfolders. I’m aware of SEO considerations (i.e. hreflang) and this works best for the international organisation I work for.

I have built the “international” (x-default) version of the site using Webflow and am about to start building (using Webflow again) country-specific versions with subfolders (i.e. /en-nz).

I am aware of the following:

  1. I will need to create a separate Webflow project for each “country-specific” location.
  2. I will need first add these as subdomains to our domain (Webflow currently doesn’t have the functionality to add these projects as subfolders).
  3. I will then need to use a third-party reverse proxy solution (i.e. nginx)
  4. In the country-specific site I will need to set the Href prefix to the subfolder title /en-us.
  5. Publish my country-specific site.

Is this correct? Am I missing anything?

Which reverse proxy do you recommend? Any tips of insights?

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I found this: Hosting two Webflow sites on the same domain with the second site in a subfolder

This matches my project. Is he correct? Is this still the solution?

I would very much like something… anything… in relation to this.

Hi Evan, were you able to do this?

Hi Evan, were you able to complete this? I have a Bubble post where we are trying to do the same thing.

This seems to be a huge desire of the no-code community.