How to add this plug-in?


Could someone please show me how I can connect this plug-in to my site on webflow?

Hi bemyfont, I’m not an expert in Webflow, but I think you can do this in Webflow without plugins, and is very simple.

Hi tato2278

I’d be so grateful if you could give me any pointers. I basically need a 3 / 4 page site each @100vh which then scroll over like in the example - I’m not sure how to set up the sections and positions. I have it working for 1 page here:

Hi bemyfont, This is a very simple example:

First, you have three simple divs with class height: 100Vh

And now you have a background image in each with fixed position:

I don’t know if it’s that you want, but if you scroll now you can see the effect. If you want you can put a Nav with links to the Divs and the effect is the same.

I hope that I help you!!

Here you can see the effect:

Thanks so much for this - really appreciate your help :slight_smile:

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Hi tato2278

I’ve implemented your example. Looks great. The problem I have is I would like page 2 to lock at the top of the scroll / screen then for page 3 to overlap page 2. Each page should lock to the top on scroll. In my example I have page 1 behaving correctly. Does that make sense?

Hi bemyfont, I supousse that you want to say that with the section2 and the scroll is difficult to fix the position on top? Sorry but with my experience I only can say you, that you put a nav with links to the #divs and each box will be postioned in top. I will also try if there is another way, but in this moment I’m not really sure.

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