How to add icons in table cells?


I am building a table on my site. Now I would like to add icons in some cells (see example below). I used Custom Elements to build my table. As far as I know, I can only put text in it…

Does anyone know how I can somehow put icons in here?

It depends on the icons you want, how you’re building the table and how you’re populating it. But for the icons themselves most designers favor SVGs.

You can make them yourself, e.g. in Figma, or there are tons of libraries.

I only have the options within the TD settings (see image below). As far as I know, I can’t include SVGs there. Do you perhaps have another solution?

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-09-06 om 09.47.23

Just drop in an SVG element.

You’ll likely want to pull your 000 text into a span, and you may need a class or style css on your td to position the icon and text the way you desire to.

<td class="whatever"><svg>...</svg><span>000</span></td>

I might use traditional flex layout for the class, if it works well on a TD.