How can I set up The Final Countdown?

Hi @Excellentchoice, I hope you are doing well.

The first point I would like to make, is that we do not support custom jQuery plugins from our support desk, so it is good you asked this question in the Need Help pages :slight_smile:

If you have any issues with this, here is the place to reach out :slight_smile:

Second, I have created a small example site, with the countdown timer plugin implemented, and you can clone that to see how it was made:

In the Footer of the site, you put a link to where you have the countdown jQuery script stored. In my case, I used rackspace, but you can use dropbox also.

Also in the Footer, you put the script code needed for the plugin:

<script type="text/javascript">
   .countdown("2016/01/01", function(event) {
       event.strftime('%D days %H:%M:%S')

You can change the countdown date above in the script code.

In the body of the site, is a div with the ID “getting-started”.

​I hope this helps, cheers, Dave :slight_smile:

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