How does refund work for WF Ecommerce?


I’m starting with the e-commerce part and was wondering : since there are no coupons (yet) how does the refunding feature work in webflow e-commerce ?
Is it possible to make a partial refund of an order (manual choosing how much you want to refund a client) ?

I’m wondering if I should/could build an ecommerce site that would allow for people to return packaging at delivery and have a dollar refunded if they do so…

Anyone has an idea on how to do that ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I’ve searched through the doc of stripe and seen this : Refunding and canceling payments | Stripe Documentation
Apparently partial refunds are possible…

Does this apply to stripe with webflow ecommerce ? Does anyone know if there is a minimum amount ?

Maybe @PixelGeek ? :slight_smile:

Is there any development on this? I have a client selling perishable goods and wondering if partial refunds are possible?

A client of mine does partial refunding through stripe. So this works. Just not through webflow.