How do I get rid of the annoying

Hi all,

I notice I can’t enable the IP anonymization feature which can allow me to use the website without the GDPR thing. Please help me get rid of this. Thank you!


send the read only link and did you make that with webflow or did you use a 3rd party app?

Hi Rani! Thanks for your reply. I’m using a webflow template I got from an Udemy course.

Here’s the link:



This is a cookie notice that’s generated by Webflow when a user first accesses the Editor so this won’t be shown to normal visitors on the site. Some users add their own cookie notification to the main site however it’s not a standard Webflow features so this would need to be done via custom code.

That said I don’t know of any way to remove this as it’s for Webflow’s own compliance with European regulations.

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If its a template there’s going to be a custom code snippet in the Project Settings > Custom Code tab. You’ll have to find it there. If it’s not there, they must have inserted it into the page settings of the page you’re on.

See ya.

Thanks! I’ve worked on something else today and for now it hasn’t showed up yet.

Thanks Gary! I have checked right now. Will check the page settings tomorrow.

No problem. It should be there