How do i deselect all

Simple question. How do I deselect all. It seems that i always have to have the last div selected. This has caused confusion with actions being unknowingly applied to a div.


In Webflow, once you’ve selected something and as long as you’re on a page, there’s always something selected.

I can’t decide if I’d like a way to deselect (:

I use a workaround when I want to take a clean screenshot: preview and back to designer, or do twice CMD+SHIFT+P (preview) then nothing is selected.

FYI press “?” for all shortcuts.

thx Vincent.

When using actions, you kind of want to click away from the last div once you’ve assign an action to it, and I found myself accidently assigning a 180 degree rotate to an entire section div - which kinda freaked me out when I hit publish and tested it :wink:

Once is enough not to do it again of course - I do think it would be useful though - its something you do all the time in illustrator and indesign so im hardwired with it.


Yes. there is room for improvement on the Interactions, how to open them for edit, to test them etc… I see exactly what you mean (: I wrote a whishlist post recently about how you lose where you were when testing an interaction.

thx Vincent. Keep up the brilliant work.

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