How can I modify the amount of content (posts) from the collections panel?

Hi all! I am working with this template and trying to customise it a bit. The problem I have is that when I am posting inside collections “projects” the template does not put all posts I make on the front page. It seems to be limited to 4 squares. How can I change it into 8?

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

@webbor In the collection list settings, the amount of items set to be displayed is limited to four. Change this to display 8 and you’ll get eight posts :slight_smile:

So much thanks @sarahfrison

Another question I have is how I can change the colors of links generated from collections. I can’t change the link color directly in the project template. So question how can I do that’d?

you’re welcome @webbor. here’s a video I made for someone a while ago about changing link colors in collections. how to change link within RTE