Horizontal Scrolling in mobile view

Guys I have tried everything to turn off horizontal scrolling in the mobile view of my website.
www.ballisticdesignstudio.com. Kindly help.

Here is the read-only link.

Hi @Utsav_Kataria, I’m not experiencing horizontal scroll on mobile. On desktop however, there is a slight scroll due to your use of 100vw instead of 100%.

Hey, on desktop view I am using 100% only still there is that slight horizontal scroll. No clue how to fix it. Mobile version seems to be fixed after I set the position as relative. Kindly help with the slight scroll on desktop view! Also if I set overflow hidden in the page wrapper some animations don’t work.

@Utsav_Kataria, I’ve provided the solution above, to change all of the section from 100VW to 100%.