Hide/Unhide container or section upon button click

Hmm, that’s weird. You’re right, if I look at my published site in Safari everything appears to be working correctly, but in Chrome nothing happens. Also, does the site need to be published for the functionality to work? Cause I realised I’ve just been testing it in preview mode up until now. I also tried downloading my code and testing my site locally, although that doesn’t seem to work either. Thoughts?

Actually, scratch that first comment. The published site’s suddenly stopped working for me in Safari now as well…

OK I think I may have fixed the issue. I had a play around with my exported code and found that there were a saome single quotes missing before a couple of the button IDs in the JS. I added them back in and it seems to have fixed the issue. When I looked at the custom code in my Webflow Dashboard though, rather than being missing it’d actually replaced the single quotes with two single quotes so I just deleted one of them in each instance and that seems to have fixed the issue there. I’ll just need to make sure my Dashboard doesn’t add any more random characters before I export my final site once my site is finished.

Thanks again for the help! :smile:

Ok @JD89, good to hear you have it fixed. This issue with curly single quotes, curly quotes and other characters like this, most often get introduced when someone copy and pastes info from on program to another. Now this may not have been your case/cause of issue, but it is something valid to keep in mind. I am stoked you got it working :smile:

Please let us know if you have any further issue ! Cheerios!