Hide show dates that are in the past

Hi Webflow,

I just added some tour dates to my new website. Now I would really like to set a visibility condition that when a date is in the past it doen’t show up in the list. How can I get this?

Website: http://thisistangarine.com
Preview link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/tangarine?preview=116fefaf09daf97bfa28ee178be199cb

Thanks in advance!

I could use a hint on the same subject…
From my understanding it is not possible to control visibility based on dates, but if anyone has a solution, I’d like to know that as well :slight_smile:

Nice site.

The filter date system in webflow makes no sense. But I made a site and used this combination.
So Åpnings dato (date) will be your tour start date, or consert start date I guess.

So when that date comes, it disappear from the list.

You find it by pressing the DYNAMIC LIST WRAPPER, SETTINGS (D) and FILTERS

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Thanks @krubens.

I put the condition on and it works!

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