Help with Responsive resizing images in Slider

Hi there,
I’m super new to website design and have only done a little bit in the past. I’m designing a very simple portfolio site but it’s proving a little less simple to actually get it to work the way I would like…

I have a Slider set up to display the artwork as background images as that’s how Webflow explains it in their tutorial. But no matter what settings and sizes I try I cannot seem to get the images to resize responsively (this is the first time I’ve tried to do anything with responsive design that wasn’t inbuilt in something running on Squarespace or similar.)

Background Image Settings:

Slider Size Settings:

Tablet Size:

Landscape Phone Size:

Portrait Phone Size:

I have tried changing the (background) image’s VW amount which does work, however then the Slider itself is left in the same position as when the image was larger, it also makes the image too small on smaller screens…

Viewport Width set to 30 (I’m on a pretty small old laptop doing this which probably isn’t helping)

Tablet Screen size:

Landscape Phone size:

Vertical Phone size:

Then if I try changing the Slider’s size it just seems to break it completely:

Also, a slightly different but related issue is that the second slide (red flowers) when in preview and I drag the display to make it smaller the image flutters and jumps around all over the place, so I have no idea if there’s something wrong there too.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK

Hi @politemenace

I have explained the soln. - here
Let me know if you have any doubts.

Thank you so much Rajendra, this really helps and does clear up some things for me.
I was wondering if there’s a way to still be able to view the entire image, not cropped in close when it’s changed to “cover”? The images are quite large so that they can be viewed nicely on 4k/retina screens, but I can definitely make them smaller if needed.

You can use full width with aspect ration on img. wrapper so it will be responsive.