Help with domain name redirection to site in Webflow

Not sure what I have done wrong. New DNS Settings added to Net Registry. But the URL still takes us to my old site.

See screen grabs pf various new settings and DNS stuff below: (any help would be appreciated!)

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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Hi @brimworld, thanks for the question. At the moment, domain name redirection is not supported in Webflow.

The DNS settings look fine to me, and when I browsed to, the webflow hosted site displays in the browser — I am on chrome.

I hope this helps, if not let me know and I am happy to check on it further :slight_smile:


My website is - which I still see in Chrome

Old site is:

New site looks like:

Hi @brimworld, thanks a lot for the additional info. I am seeing the new site when using the url

I would give it a little more time, then later come back and refresh the browser.

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