Help with Complex Filtering System (some buttons won't work and some will)

I have a filter system that filters a CMS list. Some of the buttons are working properly and some are not.
–Location Menu is not filtering
–A lot of the subjects wont filter
–and “MIT” under schools wont filter

I am using the complex filtering code found on this video: Complex Filter System | How To - CMS Library for Webflow - YouTube

Here is my read only:

Here is the live site:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey @camputty , tested the live site and it looks like it is working for me. Could you check if this issue replicates with a different browser or if the cache is cleaned up?

can you share live site link

This is resolved. Thank you for checking! I had someone rebuild a new filtering system