Help Needed with extra space on the right side

I have a problem with extra space on the right side. I created a div block and called it page wrapper and put overflow hidden on it but it still doesn’t work. It’s about 10px and it’s very frustrating.

Tell me what could be the problem ?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

It seems like the issue is coming from the footer on the live site, but it appears fine in preview mode. Have you tried republishing the site to update the live version?


When I put display none on the footer, the same thing happens again, so I don’t think that’s the problem. What do you think republishing ? I published the site more than 20 times to see what the error was

I put 99vw on page wrapper i dont think that’s the right solution. Its working but…

I’m seeing various text elements with fixed pixel widths assigned. Is this done intentionally?

Yes because I want the line to end with a certain letter

You might try what I’m showing below, changing the width setting to auto. This is one instance but other divs may need a similar treatment.