๐Ÿ™ Help! Homepage Images not displaying in Mobile View

Hi everyone,

I have been trying everything but having difficulty getting 2 out of 4 of my homepage images (3rd and 4th) to display in mobile view. Specifically on Android Chrome browser.

Whenever I test the mobile view on my desktop browsers (Chrome and Safari), I can see the images. But as soon as I use my Google Pixel 3, I canโ€™t see the 3rd and 4th images on my homepage. (Above is the screenshot)

Iโ€™ve already tried checking the image size, as well as going through all the image options to see if they match the settings of the 1st and 2nd image. Canโ€™t think of anything else I can do.

Can someone please give me any tips to fix it? I would really appreciate it! :pray:

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Of course, itโ€™s https://allenswhuang.webflow.io/