| Help! | Blog mobile view responsiveness

I am trying to create a responsive mobile view for my CMS blog, but it is not working the way it should even with auto height and width.

I’ve watched all the webflow university videos on this topic with no success.

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Here is my site Read-Only:

You have set a fixed width on the container, so the elements will spill out of it if it has the fixed width. So set the width to auto so the items inside the container can fill out the space.

Thanks for taking a look @Tsufuran. I’m not sure I’m seeing what you’re seeing. The container has a max width of 1200px, but no miniumum or fixed width. The div blocks within the container are all set to auto width.

Would you be able to refer to the class name of the element you’re referring to?

Bumping this for others to give recommendations if possible!

Sorry for the late response, but I don’t really know a solution for this. Maybe use the preset container that is in the add panel?

I ended up contacting cutomer support and they told me it was caused by the URL’s in my citations, so I switched to in-text citations and got rid of the whole thing. Thanks for trying to help tho!

Welp, I’m sorry if I did not resolve your problem. Happy that you found another solution doe.

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