Has anyone tried or considered connecting to easypost.com for shipping, since Webflow at the moment is unfortunately severely lacking in this department?
Their site and functionality looks lean and minimal, which I like, I just don’t have the development skills for this!
I know I speak for others when I say I love Webflow but these guys gotta bring their ecommerce functionality up to speed FAST!
Hi @drungsea.
Josh from Foxy here. With our seamless Webflow integration, you can manage products with CMS, setup a customer portal, connect to 100+ gateways, connect to EasyPost (via our Order Desk integration: Integrations - Order Desk), and more.
More info about our Webflow integration can be found here: Webflow | Foxy.io Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need help getting started: hello@foxy.io
Hi @foxy, thanks. On a different topic, can foxy integrate with klarna’s installment/financing payments? (Not to be confused with simply using klarna for one-off transactions, like square).
This requires CORS resource sharing, which to my knowledge, currently Webflow cannot accommodate.
Hi @drungsea.
Yes, Foxy integrates with Klarna. To confirm, the integration is with the Foxy checkout, not Webflow Ecommerce or a Webflow page. More info can be found here: gateways:klarna [Foxy Wiki]
Please let us know if you have any other questions. We’re happy to help.