Hamburger Menu doesn's close the right way

Hi community,

I’m struggeling with building my own hamburger menu. I searched the forum but couldn’t find a similar question, so here it is:

I used the Nav bar tool and exchanged the hamburger logo for individual div lines for the interaction to work. And that’s working completely fine.

However, the Menu doesn’t only close when I click the menu button (I did the closing animation with the second click interaction), but also when I’m clicking anywhere else on the site. That’s a problem because the color is changing when the Nav bar opens, but doesn’t change back if I close the navbar by clicking anywhere else on the site.

I think the easiest solution would be to only enable the nav bar to be closed by clicking on the menu button. But unfortunately I can’t figure out how to do that.

As english isn’t my first language, I hope you understand what’s my problem.

Thanks in advance,

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Du + die Wissenschaft

never mind, I just found another post and managed to fix it myself!