GSAP Animation Distance Changing

[Hello! I have implemented the GSAP Library on my website for custom animations.

On the ‘Production Projects Template’ page, I have a simple animation set on the title information. Currently it is set as just a y=“-200%” transform, but I have found that the distance changes depending on how long the title is for each project. Since this is a CMS page I cannot custom adjust each one, but have tried with no avail to make the animation consistent with GSAP.

I just want the bottom of the text to start near the bottom of the page (with any additional lines being above that)

Here is an example of the ideal positioning upon page open

And here is an example of the messed up spacing due to the title being longer or shorter than two lines

Any suggestions on how to fix this? I have tried using other values such as VH instead of % but that does not seem to fix the problem either.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Here is my site Read-Only:
(Webflow - Carson)