Google Fonts not working

Hello everyone, I am in the process of setting up a site in Webflow. I set up customs Google fonts via the dashboard and set the font styles to these custom fonts. The fonts rendered correctly the first time but after a couple of changes and updates, they no longer seem to work. I tried re-installing them and also checking my dev tools for any errors but I don’t seem to get any joy. Any help would be much appreciated.

HI there, Please post a link to your site and the Webflow share link.

Here is the link : Webflow - Mandla Nkala Portfolio Site

Is it that the fonts you’ve activated did show in the fonts menu initially, but now are not listed any more?

The fonts show perfectly well. I can assign the to standard HTML tags ( H1-H6, p, etc) and get a proper preview on designer mode, however, once I publish the site the changes are not reflected, and all styling defaults to Arial.

Just to chime in here, I also uploaded a font via settings and works perfectly fine on chrome, safari but dosen’t work on other browsers, such as brave browser

Hi All,

I got in touch with Support and this is the response I got (below).

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